The first time I can remember wanting to be a writer was when I was 11 years old. I graduated from college with a Bachelor of Arts in English but wanted to reside close to the university because my soon-to-be fiance had one more semester to go. I found myself in an entry level human resources job which was actually a good fit. I spent 32 years in this field. Eventually, I began writing in my spare time which, between a very busy job and raising children, was not plentiful. But I did it because I love it. My childhood dream was resurrected and here I am.
I've been married to my second husband for over 19 years. We moved from the Chicago suburbs to North Carolina 7 years ago because of my job. I had two children with my first husband and one with my second husband. Tragically, our oldest child passed away last year. I had retired with the intent of writing but also to get our daughter through some medical issues. She passed unexpectedly on what was to be my last day of work.
The past year has been difficult for our family. Our daughter was very close to her siblings and of course, to us. I pray everyday for the strength to help my kids survive the loss of their sister.
Our oldest son lives and works in the area after graduating from the University of Alabama.
Will, our youngest, will graduate high school early this winter. We knew from an early age that Will was unique. He was misdiagnosed with ADHD and finally diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder in early 2022. In addition, Will came out as transgender two years ago. He is a fantastic kid although he has had to find ways to cope in a world that is designed for neurotypical people. He reviews all of the content about our family and provides input when needed. We hope that someday, the world will be more accepting of neuro atypical and transgender individuals.
My husband, bless his heart, was very supportive of my decision to retire from corporate America. He continues to work from home for his employer of 17 years.
In addition to this blog, I hope to write a book or two.